2/28/14 - Just finished drawing page 19 of Episode 10. Halfway there!
3/2/14 - Updated "About the Author" page and added VanDroth to the "Villians" page.
3/23/14 - Currently drawing page 24 of Episode 10. I've begun writing some scripts for "Life With Honzy" as well writing the script for Episode 11.
4/3/14 - Just finished drawing page 26 and a third of page 27. I have some additional artwork that needs coloring but then I will display it on here.
4/28/14 - Added "The Gallery" and several new pictures to it. More images to come. I finished drawing page 30 this week and will start page 31 tomorrow.
5/11/14 - Finished drawing page 34 this week. Just a few more pages to go!
6/1/14 - Finished drawing Episode 10 this week. Just have a few pages to ink and color and the newest adventure will be ready!
6/16/14 - Today I finished coloring Episode 10. Just need to do some re-sizing of the pages and then it's off to the printer!
6/17/14 - Done! Episode 10 has been sent off to my publisher. I'll let everyone know as soon as it becomes available for purchase!
7/14/14 - It's here! Episode 10 is now available for purchase in book and digital form! Please go to the Story So Far page for the link!
8/25/14 - HUGE NEWS! I will be attending Ohio Comic Con on Oct.31-Nov.2, 2014, as a featured artist! Please stop by to buy a copy of Episode 1 and/or prints of my artwork!
9/7/14 - I'm almost done drawing page 18 of Episode 11. I just added two new images to the Gallery section.
11/2/14 - Whew! Back from my very first convention (Ohio Comic Con 2014)! What an amazing time meeting celebrities and other artists! THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO ALL WHO ATTENDED AND FOR EVERYONE WHO HAS SHOWN YOUR SUPPORT!!
1/26/15 - Just added a new character to the "Villians" page and updated VanDroth's profile picture.
HUGE NEWS! I will be attending SPACE (Small Press and Alternative Comics Expo) on April 11th and 12th, 2015, here in Columbus! Please stop by to buy books and prints!
2/21/15 - This afternoon I took another big step! Please follow me on Twitter: @JoelCramerComix for even more updates on Honzy and Joel's adventures!
3/24/15 - Unfortunately, SPACE has been delayed to July 18-19th, but a smaller event is scheduled for April 11th. For more details please visit my Facebook page.
In comic news, I just finished coloring page 40 of Episode 11 and have drawn the intro for "Life with Honzy", a comedic spin-off series. More details to come!
4/13/15 - I had an AMAZING time at Extra SPACE this past weekend getting to be around other indie artists and meeting new fans! Many many thanks to everyone who came out to show your support!
I am applying the final touches to Book 11 and hope to have it sent out by the end of the week. Check back soon as I will be adding the cover for Book 12 to the Story So Far and Gallery page!
5/4/15 - Waiting on Book 11 to return from the printer. Meanwhile, I have finished the cover for Book 12 and have begun coloring the first page of "Life with Honzy". So far I have four pages drawn and inked. I'll begin drawing Episode 12 this week!
In other news, I'll be attending Piqua Comic Con on May 16th and Stebbins Con on May 23. Gonna be a busy month!
5/14/15 - Episode 11 is on its way to me by mail. I've been getting ready for Piqua Comic Con this Saturday and I think I'm all set now. Looking forward to the fun!
I've got two big announcements I want to make but I want to make sure they will pan out before I say anything. That being said, stay tuned! I hope to give you big news soon!
5/17/15 - Had a great time at Piqua Comic Con on Saturday! Met a lot of fellow comic fans as well as other artists. Special thanks to everyone who braved the rain to be there!
This Saturday, I'll be at Stebbins Con in Dayton, Ohio! Hope to see you there!
In comic news, Episode 11 is here and looking great! I'll be submitting it to IndyPlanet tonight. Stay tuned, I'll let you know when it's available!
5/19/15 - WOW! That was fast! Episode 11 is already available on IndyPlanet! Go to Story So Far to find out more!
5/24/15 - Had a great time at Stebbins Con yesterday! I met even more fellow comic fans, met some more potential fans of my own art, sold several books and had lots of fun! Many thanks to all who attended and especially those who helped put the show together!
I colored page 3 of spin-off "Life With Honzy" tonight. This concludes the intro and now it is time to start coloring the individual strips. I plan to have a few ready to go before I start publishing them.
As of now I have no plans for another convention until at least July, so I plan to get back to work on Episode 12 full-time again. I'll keep you updated as always on the book's progression.
7/6/15 - July 18th-19th I will be attending S.P.A.C.E. (Small Press And Alternative Comics Expo) here in Columbus, Ohio! Hope you are able to make it!
Episode 12 is coming along nicely. I'm nearly done drawing page 13 and just finished coloring page 4. I'm also working on drawing the latest strip for "Life with Honzy". So excited about how these projects are looking so far!
8/24/15 - September 12-13th I will be attending Cincy Con in Covington, KY and on Sept. 19-20th I will be at Independents Day Festival in Columbus! Hope you are able to make it!
I am up to page 22 on Episode 12 at this point. It's looking great and I look forward to its completion! I just added a new picture to the Art Gallery featuring some of the characters who will be appearing in the new book!
8/31/15 - Added another picture to the Gallery, this time featuring the villains Honzy and Joel face off against in Episode 12.
10/5/15 - CincyCon and Independents Day Festival were very successful! Many thanks to all who attended!
Page 29 of Ep. 12 has been drawn and I'm working on catching up on inking and coloring. Also, you can now get clothing based on "Adventures of Honzy and Joel" as well as some of my other artwork at www.skreened.com/cramercomics!
11/5/15 - Episode 12 is now drawn. Now on to inking and coloring the remaining pages!
This past Saturday I was a guest on John Orlando's podcast. If you'd like to hear our conversation, please go to www.pvdcast.com and look up Episode 81. MANY MANY thanks to John for being a great host and for taking the time to chat with me!
11/9/15 - I'm preparing for Piqua Con this Saturday but thought I'd take time to create a picture my brother-in-law and I came up with some time ago. If you'd like to see it (and other fun stuff) go over to the Gallery.
12/20/15 - My apologies for the lack of updates. This time of year is always crazy. :) I attended Piqua Con as planned as well as Stebbins Con a few weeks ago. My next show will be in February at ICE (Independent Comics Expo).
Episode 12 is inked, and I am up to page 25 right now in the coloring process. I have quite a bit of the script for Episode 13 written and I already have a cover design for it. Can't wait to start work on that book!
1/18/16 - Episode 12 is now being prepped to be sent off to my publisher. I am looking into making trades of the series so far, with new covers. More information on that soon! Next up is ICE (Independent Comics Expo) on February 20th in Dayton, OH!
2/21/16 - Episode 12 arrived on Friday and made its debut at ICE (Independent Comics Expo). I had a great time seeing familiar faces and meeting new ones! Thanks to everyone who came out to show your support!
Coming soon: "Adventures of Honzy and Joel" trades! I am planning a Volume 1 (Episodes 1-5), a Volume 2 (6-10) and a Season 1 set (Eps. 1-10). Details to come!
3/6/16 - Episode 12 is now on IndyPlanet! If you'd like to order a copy please go to the "Story So Far" section. Volumes 1 and 2 have been sent off to the publisher. I'll let you know when they are available.
- I had a great time at S.P.A.C.E. 2016! It's always a pleasure to meet new fans and see familiar faces at these conventions. Next show will be at Pickerington Library on May 14th! Details soon!
To celebrate the fifth anniversary of this series, I have released three trade volumes: Volume 1 (Episodes 1-5), Volume 2 (Episodes 6-10) and a Season 1 volume (Episodes 1-10). The IndyPlanet links will be posted shortly. In the meantime, please email me if you are interested in a signed copy!
5/15/16 - Thanks to everyone who came out to the Big Comic Show at Pickerington Library yesterday! It was my first time being there but it's a great place to visit and I had a wonderful time!
I'm currently drawing page 10 of Episode 13, finished coloring page 2 and I have the first 7 pages inked. This book has been challenging lately but I am very pleased with the results.
7/18/16 - I'm currently drawing page 21 of Episode 13 and inking page 16. I'll be at the Comics Underground Distribution Comic Con on July 31st at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral here in Columbus. Hope to see you there!
8/14/16 - Just finished drawing page 23 of Episode 13. I also added an SHOWS AND EVENTS page to the menu so you can keep up on when and where you can meet me in person!
9/26/16 - Two successful shows lately (Yo-Ice in Youngstown and Independents Day in Columbus)! Many thanks to everyone who came out to see us! YOU make it all possible!
I added another show to the SHOWS AND EVENTS page tonight. More to come!
I'm drawing page 33 of Episode 13, the first 26 pages are inked and tonight I colored pages 11 and 12. I'm really excited about how this book is turning out!
12/28/16 - My apologies for such a very long gap in updates. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! Back in October I created my first Honzy and Joel mini-comic "A Honzy-ween Story", which was challenging and fun at the same time. I'll post the link to that soon. I've finished drawing and inking Episode 13 and have the first 35 pages colored. In addition, I'm revising the final draft of Episode 14's script.
1/30/17 - Once again, I took a long time to update and I'm sorry about that. Episode 13 is finished and will be on IndyPlanet asap. I've begun drawing and coloring Episode 14 and am already up to page 5.
2/7/17 - Episode 13 has now been added to IndyPlanet and the links are over in the Story So Far page.
2/13/17 - Making progress on Episode 14. I'm about to draw page 9, the first 5 pages are inked and the 2nd page is in full color.
**I reached a new milestone this week! "Adventures of Honzy and Joel" is now on Amazon Kindle!**
Just do a search for "Honzy and Joel". Episode 1 is up now, the rest will be posted soon!
2/20/17 - Thanks to everyone who made it out to ICE (Independent Comics and Film Expo) in Dayton yesterday. It was great meeting up with current fans as well as meeting new ones!
**"Adventures of Honzy and Joel #2" is now on Kindle! If you get a chance, please leave me a review there. I'd greatly appreciate it! :) **
My next show is March 4th from 12-5 at the Ace of Cups here in Columbus, Ohio! Hope you can make it!
2/27/17 - Page 11 of Ep 14 drawn and page 8 inked.
**Episodes 3 and 4 are now on Kindle! If you get a chance, please leave me a brief review of both on Amazon! Thank you!**
3/13/17 - Page 15 of Ep 14 drawn, page 9 and most of 10 inked.
**Episode 5 is now on Kindle! If you get a chance, please leave me a brief review on Amazon! Thank you!**
Next show: S.P.A.C.E 2017 (March 25th and 26th)!
5/22/17 - Page 30 of Episode 14 drawn, page 5 fully colored and page 22 inked. I've also begun writing the script for Episode 15. This fall, I will be part of a special art gallery here in Columbus called Comics Vs Art. More on that soon!
**Episode 6 is now on Kindle! If you get a chance, please me a brief review on Amazon! Thank you!**
Next show: 2017 Annual Spring Barn Sale in Grove City (June 3rd and 4th)!
6/5/17 - Thanks to everyone who braved the heat yesterday and the wind today to see us at the Annual Spring Barn Sale in Grove City! A couple of cartoon artists even dropped by! :)
Work on the 14th adventure continues! Pg 33 is halfway drawn, pg 23 is inked and while I am behind on the coloring I intend to catch up ASAP.
The next show will be June 24th. Details on that very soon!
6/19/17 - Episode 14 update: page 38 is mostly drawn, page 27 is mostly inked and page 6 is now in full color.
This Saturday (6/24) : I'll be at the Fairfield County Vendor and Rummage Sale in Lancaster, Ohio!
7/10/17 - Episode 14 update: the book is completely drawn! (YAY!) Page 37 has been inked, I've colored much of pages 11 and 12 and last night I wrote quite a bit of Episode 15's script.
ANNOUNCEMENT: this fall I am participating in a special event in Columbus called Comics Vs Art. Other local artists and I will be taking selected paintings from the Columbus Museum of Art and presenting our own take on them. I'll be posting more info as the time gets closer!
August 5th - I'll be at the Olde Hayfield Barn Pop-Up Sale (same location as the Annual Spring Barn Sale)!
8/7/17 - Thanks to all who came out to the Olde Hayfield Barn Pop-Up Sale yesterday! It was a lot of fun meeting new fans and catching up with current ones!
I finished coloring pages 8-11 of Episode 14 tonight, and the rough draft of Episode 15 is complete. I'm looking forward to starting that book as soon as #14 is done!
8/14/17 - Pages 12-19 of Episode 14 are now in full color. I have a rough design for the cover of Episode 15 and I also inked another "Life With Honzy" page tonight. My next show will be Yo-ICE 2017 on Sept. 9th. Stay tuned for more details!
8/20/17 - Pages 20-23 of Ep 14 are in full color, and I've colored a lot of pages 24-33.
Sept 2nd is the starting date for Comics VS Art and will run all through the month. It's much sooner than I had realized. I'll post the info next week.
*I had a pleasant surprise this past Friday night. I'll be adding it to the FANS' CORNER page in the next day or so. **
8/28/17 - **Time got away from me last week. I will post the additions to the FANS' CORNER asap. Sorry.**
Pages 24-30 of Episode 14 are now fully colored! Only 10 to go!
Starting this weekend, I'll be participating in Comics Vs Art, a month-long art gala here in Columbus! It's my first one and I am SO excited! As promised, here is the Facebook link to it: https://www.facebook.com/events/378864492531471/
9/4/17 - Many, many thanks to all who came out to Comics Vs Art Saturday night! It was an amazing time and everyone involved clearly did their best!
Pages 31-35 of Ep 14 are now fully colored and I added a few pics to the GALLERY as well as finally updating the FANS' CORNER page. Check it out!
This weekend: Yo-ICE 2017. Here's the link for it: https://www.facebook.com/events/1350021431730412/
9/14/17 - Thanks to everyone who came out to Yo-ICE on Saturday! It was a great time!
Later tonight I will be sending Episode 14 to my publisher. I'm so excited and can't wait until you can read it! Stay tuned for more news about its availability as well as updates on Episode 15.
This weekend: Independents' Day Festival 2017! Here's more info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1718230314859945/
9/25/17 - Episode 14 has arrived and it turned out great! I'll be posting it to IndyPlanet asap. If you prefer to order from me directly, please send me an email or drop by at the next show!
NEXT SHOW: October 21st at the Delaware Library. Details soon!
My comics are now on sale at Flying Monkey Comics and Games in Delaware, OH! On November 8th, I'll be doing a comic book signing there! I hope you are able to come on out and show your support!
Lastly, my artwork from the Comics Vs Art Gallery earlier this month is now part of an exhibit at the Columbus Museum of Art! It features all of the artworks from the show which were made by local artists. I'm so excited and honored to be a part of this!
10/3/17 - I've started working on Episode 15. The first two pages are drawn/inked, and I nearly finished drawing page 3 tonight. Still waiting for Ep 14 to go live but when it does I will update the Story So Far page.
10/8/17 - Episode 14 is now available on IndyPlanet! If you'd like a copy, please go to the Story So Far page or send me an email.
The first four pages of Episode 15 are now drawn and inked.
10/16/17 - Pages 5 and 6 of Episode 15 drawn/inked.
This Saturday I'll be at Great Geek Fest 2017 in Delaware, Ohio (see Events page for details). I'll be debuting Episode 14 and will have copies of "A Honzy-ween Story" as well.
10/30/17 - Most of page 11 of Episode 15 has been drawn and the first 10 pages have been inked. I have some ideas for some new mini-comics and a new poster as well. More details on all that soon!
Nov 4th, please come on out to the Holiday Bazaar 2017 at the Westerville Naz 355 Cherrington Rd, Westerville, Ohio 43081 Hope to see you there!
11/5/17 - Page 13 is drawn, page 12 is inked and I started coloring page 1 tonight. Been a busy week!
This Wednesday (Nov. 8th) I'll be at Flying Monkey Comics and Games for my very first book signing! Here's a link to the info: https://www.facebook.com/events/267315733791183/
Hope to see you there! :)
11/12/17 - Thank you to everyone who came out to my very first book signing at Flying Monkey Comics and Games! It was fun catching up with fans and meeting new ones! :)
I started drawing page 15, page 14 is mostly inked and I've colored a bit of pages 1-7. Really loving how this book is turning out!
Next show: December 3rd. More details soon!
11/20/17 - I drew pages 15 and 16 of Episode 15, inked those pages and just now finished coloring page 1.
Hope you all have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving!! :)
12/4/17 - *sigh* I forgot to post the information about yesterday's event. I am so sorry about that. :( Last week was kinda rough for me.
Thank you to everyone who came out to the show! It's always exciting to meet new fans!
I've drawn part of page 20 and inked most of page 17 as of tonight.
12/11/17 - Work on Episode 15 continues! I've inked most of page 20 and drawn the first 21 pages now. I'm getting pretty close to the halfway mark! :)
12/18/17 - I inked page 21 and started drawing page 23 of Episode 15 this week. In addition, I worked on a special Christmas surprise that will be appearing in the GALLERY section next Sunday night. Be sure to check it out! :)
12/24/17 - As promised, head on over to the GALLERY section for a special Christmas surprise! :)
1/22/18 - My apologies to everyone for not updating sooner. I had some physical issues earlier this month that prevented me from focusing on my work but thankfully I'm much better now. :)
Here's an update on Episode 15: I started drawing page 30 this week and started inking page 29.
I'll be starting to attend comic shows again soon so please stay tuned for updates on them.
1/29/18 - I drew page 31 and inked half of page 29 this week. I also planned out a few more pages of my "Life With Honzy" side project as well.
I have a couple shows planned for the near future. More information on them will be posted soon!
2/4/18 - i drew page 33 and inked half of page 31 this week. I also drew and inked another "Life With Honzy" strip as well.
Next show will be Feb. 17th. Please go over to the SHOWS AND EVENTS page for more details!
2/12/18 - Hello! I drew page 35 this week, inked page 33 and just finished coloring pages 2-4. I also drew and inked another "Life With Honzy" strip as well as storyboarded a couple more.
Just a friendly reminder that this Saturday I'll be at the Valentine's Vendor/Craft Show from 11-4 at the North Union Elementary School in Richwood, Ohio (11-4pm). Here's more info: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10155415528537815&set=gm.1668949019810953&type=3&theater&ifg=1
Hope to see you there! :)
2/19/18 - Thanks to all who came out to the Valentine's Vendor and Craft Show Saturday! It was a nice way to kick off the show year! :) My next show will be March 3rd in Newark, Ohio. More details very soon!
I drew page 37 and half of 38 this week (leaving about 8 to go!), inked page 34 and 35, then colored pages 5 and 6 tonight. In addition, I drew and inked a new "Life With Honzy" strip as well as designed a cover for the future book release. I don't have a set plan yet as to "LWH"'s length but it has been a fun side project that I believe everyone will enjoy! Stay tuned for updates on that!
2/27/18 - Sorry for the late update :( I drew part of pg 40 last week, inked about half of pg 37 and drew/inked a new "Life With Honzy" strip. I also wrote quite a bit of the rough draft of Episode 16's script. I've really enjoyed the first half of Season 2 and I look forward to what the second half will bring!
This Saturday I'll be at the Craft Show/Quarter Auction for Michelle's Miracles MS Walk 2018 in Newark, Ohio. Here's the Facebook info on that: https://www.facebook.com/events/146432256072124/ Hope you can make it!
3/5/18 - Thank you to everyone who came out to the Craft Show/Charity Auction for Michelle's Miracles MS Walk 2018 this past Saturday! It was a great time and we really enjoyed meeting new fans!
** I want to especially thank one of our newest fans, Tyler, for not only picking up Episode 1 as well as several posters, but then helping us pack up at the end of the show! Very much appreciated, Tyler! **
I drew most of page 42 this week, inked page 38 and colored pages 7 and 8 in Episode 15. I also started drawing a new "Life With Honzy" strip that will be my longest one to date (it's a full page in length).
Next show: Craftapalooza in Washington Courthouse, Ohio on March 24th (9-3pm). Stay tuned for details!
3/12/18 - I've drawn page 44 (2 to go!), inked part of page 41 and colored pages 9-11 this week. I also continued work on my latest "Life With Honzy" strip.
Speaking of "Life With Honzy", please visit our Facebook page THIS Saturday for a special strip from the upcoming book! :)
My next show will be Craftapalooza 2018 in Washington Courthouse on March 24. Here is the info: https://www.facebook.com/events/150919099015667/
**FREE admission! Hope to see you there!*
3/19/18 - I've finished drawing AND inking the rest of Episode 15, colored pages 12 and 13, finished drawing and inking the latest "Life With Honzy" strip, and designed the cover for the upcoming Volume 3 (featuring Episodes 11-15). *whew* What a productive week! :)
Don't forget, I'll be at Craftapalooza 2018 this Saturday! Admission is FREE!! Hope to see you there! (See post above for more information).
3/26/18 - Thank you to everyone who came out to Craftapalooza 2018 in Washington Courthouse this past Saturday! My special guest Honzy and I had a great time and it was fun meeting new fans (as well as a few current ones who live around there)! If you missed the pics of Honzy from the show, it's on my Facebook page!
(An extra thank you to Evette Fisher of Evette Make Things for making the Honzy stuffie for me. I'm having a lot of fun with him! :) Link for more info over in the FANS' CORNER page.
I drew and inked a new "Life With Honzy" strip this week, finished coloring pages 14 and 15 of Episode 15, plus colored quite a bit of pages 16-31. The book is looking great and I can't wait to show you all the finished version!
Next show: S.P.A.C.E. 2018 (Small Press Alternative Comics Expo) on April 28-29th. Easily one of my favorite shows of the year! More info on that soon!
4/3/18 - I drew and inked a new "Life With Honzy" strip last week, finished coloring pages 16-22 of Episode 15 and colored pages 4 and 5 of "Life With Honzy". I'm really looking forward to seeing the finished versions of both! :)
4/9/18 - I finished coloring pages 23-31 of Episode 15 this week, drew and inked a new "Life With Honzy" strip, worked some more on the rough draft of Episode 16's script and began work on my submission for this fall's Comics Vs. Art.
Don't forget: I'll be at S.P.A.C.E. 2018 on April 28-29 and I'll be at Flying Monkey Comics and Games on May 5th for Free Comic Book Day! Hope you can make it!
4/23/18 - Hey, everyone! It's been a crazy couple of weeks since I last posted but I'm going to take a moment to catch you up..... I've colored up to page 44 of Episode 15, drew and inked a new "Life With Honzy" strip, finished inking my submission for Comics Vs Art and worked more on the rough draft of Episode 16's script. I've also begun working on a new Honzy and Joel mini-comic that I hope to release in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for updates on that. :)
This coming weekend: S.P.A.C.E. 2018!! More info at: https://www.facebook.com/SPACEComicsExpo/
5/7/18 - The past couple of weeks have been busy but I'm here now to give an update. I had two show weekends back to back (S.P.A.C.E. 2018 and Free Comic Book Day), both of which were extremely successful as well as tons of fun! As always, it was great meeting new fans, catching up with current ones and being around people who love all comics as much as I do. :) A HUGE thank you to everyone who came out to show your support these past couple weeks!
As long as I stay on schedule, Episode 15 will be off to the printer sometime this week. I hope to send out my newest Honzy and Joel minicomic, ''Class Act" very soon as well. The final draft for Episode 16 is complete, so I'll be starting that book very soon. I've begun coloring my "Comics Vs Art" submission, designed/drew/inked the cover for the upcoming Adventures of Honzy and Joel Volume 3 (Eps 11-15) and I've been continuing to draw/ink/color "Life With Honzy."
Did I mention I've been busy? ;)
5/21/18 - I received my first copy of Episode 15 this past week and I am very pleased with the results! It'll be for sale very soon! Just check the Story So Far page to see when it is available. I've also send out "Class Act", a new Honzy and Joel mini-comic, to be printed. I'll update when that is available as well.
I drew/inked a new "Life With Honzy" strip this past week and drew another one tonight. I've got a couple of surprises in store but I'm not quite ready to share those details yet. Stay tuned!
5/28/18 - Another busy week! I drew and inked the first 3 pages of Episode 16 this week, drew/inked another "Life With Honzy" strip (I'm on page 15 now but I don't have a planned end page just yet) and worked on formatting Volume 3 a bit more. I hope to have an update about Episode 15 and the "Class Act" minicomic very soon!
6/18/18 - I drew most of page 10 this week, inked page 5 and finished coloring the cover for Volume 3. I've also finished my submission for this year's Comics Vs Art, so check back in the Gallery section soon to see it.
**The "Story So Far" page has been heavily updated and is now "Store", so you can check out the series so far as well as purchase any issues you'd like.** :) Please contact me if you have any questions or comments.
Episode 15 is now on IndyPlanet!! If you'd like a copy, please contact me or go to: http://www.indyplanet.us/adventures-of-honzy-and-joel-15/
6/24/18 - I drew page 12 of Episode 16 this week, inked page 7 and even drew/inked a new "Life With Honzy" strip. I began coloring the first few pages of Episode 16 tonight and decided to post page 1 on my Facebook page: www.facebook.com/honzyandjoel
*This year's Comics Vs Art submission is now on the Gallery page. Please check it out and let me know what you think!
7/16/18 - Hello, everyone! Due to a wonderful vacation plus some other events I wasn't able to update like normal but I'm back now. I was at the Annual Hog Roast and Craft Show yesterday for the first time and it was a great time! Many many thanks to all who braved the heat as well as those who put on the festival!
Since I last updated, I've begun drawing page 18 of Episode 16 (which is around halfway through the book), inked page 12, finished coloring page 2 and edited/colored parts of pages 3-9. I also storyboarded a few more "Life With Honzy" strips that I intend to work on very soon. My mini-comic "A Honzy-ween Story" has been submitted to IndyPlanet, with "Class Act" to follow soon. Once they go live, the links will be in the STORE section.
I've got some exciting news: August 1st I will be doing a live reading/demonstration of my comics to some lucky kindergartners in the Columbus area. More details on that soon! :)
Thank you everyone for your support and stay cool out there!
7/23/18 - Episode 16 update: I drew the first half of page 20, inked the first half of Page 14 and finished coloring up to the first half of pg 7. I wrote a few more "Life With Honzy" strips and drew a new one as well this week. I'm still working on putting Volume 3 (Eps 11-15) together. I'm currently working my way through Ep 14 so I hope to have it done soon. I'll continue to update you on the progress of these projects. Thank you all SO much for your support!
8/2/18 - New coloring page from a fan is now over at the FANS' CORNER page! Thank you, Sharanya! :)
9/10/18 - Thanks to everyone who came out to Yo-ICE 2018 this past Saturday despite the rain. Your presence was greatly appreciated! :)
Episode 16 update: I've begun drawing page 29, inked half of page 23 and colored parts of pages 10-12. I've also begun coloring a new poster that will be debuting in the near future. I now have Honzy magnets as well as character-based bookmarks that will be available at shows.
9/17/18 - I started drawing page 31 of Episode 16, inked page 24 and just finished coloring page 10 a few minutes ago. I also drew a new "Life With Honzy" strip this past week. Tonight I learned a few new coloring techniques/tricks that I plan to use on upcoming pages of this book and beyond! :) I'm very excited about this new episode!
Next show: Great Geekfest 2018 at the Delaware Library in Delaware, Ohio! More details soon!
10/21/18 - A huge thank-you to all who came out to the Great Geekfest 2018 yesterday! It was even bigger than last year and we had a great time! :) I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at Flying Monkey Comics and Games this coming Wednesday. Hope to see you there! Here's further info:
I've finished inking Episode 16 and tonight I finished coloring page 11. Still quite a way to go until the book is done but I love the results thus far. I also wrote a huge chunk of Episode 17's script this past week and hopefully it will be complete very soon. There's a lot of trouble coming Honzy and Joel's way in the episodes to come! :)
11/12/18 - I finished coloring pages 14 to 21 of Episode 16 this past week. If all goes well, the book will be finished in a few weeks. :)
This Saturday I'll be at The Olde Hayfield (4515 Grove City Road Grove City, Ohio 43123) from 10-5pm for their Christmas on the Farm Barn Sale. There's FREE parking and FREE admission! I'll be debuting a new Christmas poster as well as have all the Honzy and Joel books, posters, etc. on sale. Hope you can make it!
One last thing: on my Facebook page I am taking a poll about the design of a Honzy and Joel "film noir" poster that will be coming soon. If you'd like to leave feedback, please head over to facebook.com/honzyandjoel and place your vote! Thank you!
11/27/18 - The rough draft of Episode 17's script is finished. I just need to do some revising now. I'm also working on getting Volume 3 put together but I hope to have it ready soon.
This coming Saturday I'll be at the Winterset Holiday Bazaar here in Columbus, Ohio from 9-2pm. For more information, please go over to the EVENTS page or visit Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/events/1386041794866104/ Hope to see you there!
12/10/18 - A HUGE thank you to all who came out to the Winterset Holiday Bazaar on Dec. 2nd. It was an amazing show and it was great to meet with fans, old and new alike!
I've colored the first 26 pages of Ep. 16 and made a lot of progress on the remaining pages. I've also been revising the script for Ep. 17 as well as putting the finishing touches on Volume 3 (Eps. 11-15). I don't have any more shows planned for the remainder of the year but I'll be out and about in 2019! :)
Speaking of 2019, early next year I will be participating in a comics collection featuring many other local artists. My contribution is complete and while it's different than my normal work, I think you'll all enjoy it very much! I'll post more updates as the time gets closer.
1/28/19 - Episode 16 is finished and will be sent off to the publisher tomorrow. I will update the STORE when it goes live. Volume 3 should be ready to go by the end of the week. I drew page 23 of "Life With Honzy" this past week, leaving one left. Still a ways to go before the book is done but I am very happy with the results! :)
Next show: Piqua Comic Con on Mar 24, 2019 10-4 pm. Here's the Facebook link with more info: https://www.facebook.com/events/771404746546760/
2/18/19 - Episode 16 is now on IndyPlanet! If you'd like a copy (either digital or physical copy), please check out the STORE page! I've finished drawing and inking "Life With Honzy", and have already colored the first 9 pages. If all goes well, it'll be coming out later this year. Stay tuned for updates on that. :)
I've also drawn the first 3 pages of Episode 17. Volume 3 and the mini-comic "Class Act" are scheduled to be added to the STORE page as soon as possible.
3/18/19 - Hello again! Quick update: I started drawing page 12 of Episode 17 this week, started inking page 10 and tonight I colored pages 14 and 15 of "Life With Honzy". In addition, Volume 3 (Eps 11-15) is finished and off to the printer. I'll let you all know when it goes live on IndyPlanet. :)
My first comic con of the year is this coming Sunday in Piqua, Ohio! Here's the link for more info:
I hope to see you there! Stay tuned for more show dates/info!
3/25/19 - Thank you to everyone who came out to Piqua Con yesterday (Sunday)! It was an amazing show and a fantastic way to start the comic con season! :)
I drew the first half of page 13 and finished inking page 10 (Ep 17), then colored the first half of page 16 in "Life With Honzy".
Next show: Craftapalooza in Washington Courthouse, OH on April 6th. Details about that coming soon.
4/29/19 - I've started drawing page 22 and started inking page 15 of Episode 17, and tonight I colored page 18 of "Life with Honzy". I've had a couple of shows since I last updated, including S.P.A.C.E. 2019 (the 20th show!) I will be at Flying Monkey Comics and Games in Delaware, Ohio this Saturday for Free Comic Book Day! Hope to see you there!
5/20/19 - Greetings, everyone! I just finished coloring page 20 of "Life With Honzy" and I'm so excited that I only have 4 more to go! I started drawing page 26 of Episode 17 and inked the first half of page 20.
I've begun work on a new mini-comic that I'll post more about soon. My apologies for the delay in updates. Hope all is well with you all!
6/17/19 - As of tonight, "Life With Honzy" is finished! I plan to send it off to be published later this week. I've started drawing page 30 and started inking page 26 of Episode 17. I've also finished drawing the new mini-comic I've been talking about, and hope to have it printed in the near future as well. Stay tuned for more updates! Thank you all for your support!
6/24/19 - I sent "Life With Honzy" off to the publisher this past week, and if all goes well it will be on sale sometime in July. I'll post the links for it as soon as it goes live on IndyPlanet. I've also finished inking the 4-page mini-comic I keep talking about as well. Now to get it colored and printed.
Next show: Not At Comic Con @ Packrat Comics in Hilliard, Ohio on July 20th from 10-7. See SHOWS AND EVENTS page for more information.
7/1/19 - I drew most of page 32 and inked page 28 of Episode 17 this past week. Tonight I colored page 3 of Ep. 17 and began coloring the cover for my newest mini-comic. I'm so excited about this latest project but I'm trying to keep it as spoiler-free as possible. I really think both of these books will be worth the wait! :)
Just a reminder I'll be at Packrat Comics in Hilliard, OH on July 20th for Not At Comic Con! Hope to see you there!
7/22/19 - First off, thank you to all who attended Not At Comic Con this past Saturday and a special thank you to Packrat Comics of Hilliard for allowing me to be part of the show! The heat outside was brutal but it was a very cool show indoors!
I've drawn most of page 33 of Episode 17, inked page 31 and tonight I did quite a bit of coloring work on page 6 as well. I also worked on adding text to my upcoming mini-comic that I hope to have done soon.
I've got a few shows lined up for the next couple months, so please stay tuned for more details about them. In other news, Volume 3, Class Act and Life With Honzy are slated to go live on IndyPlanet soon. My apologies for the delay but as soon as I hear from them I will post the links. If you'd like a copy of any of them (or any issues) in the meantime, please contact me and we can make arrangements. :)
8/19/19 - Greetings, everyone! I've had a vacation, a short break and a few other things pop up recently but I'm ready to get back into it again!
First off, THREE new books are now available at IndyPlanet (or you can buy directly from me if you wish): Volume 3 (Eps 11-15 + mini-comic Class Act), the Honzy and Joel mini-comic Class Act, and the long-awaited Life With Honzy book! Links are on the store page or you can message me directly! :)
I've inked page 33 of Episode 17 and started drawing page 35. I also finished my submission piece for this year's Comics Vs Art show coming up in September! Head on over to the Gallery to check it out!
I've got two mini-comics that will be coming out soon, so please stay tuned for further news on those.
My apologies for the long absence and I hope to post more regularly for the forseeable future. Thank you all for your continued support!
8/26/19 - I drew more of page 35, inked page 34 and colored page 6 of Episode 17. I've also done some more coloring in my next mini-comic, which I plan to have finished soon. Stay tuned for updates!
This coming Monday I will be in Sunbury, Ohio for the Labor Day Antique Flea Market from 7-4! This'll be a VERY special show for me as Sunbury is my hometown and where I first started making my comics so many years ago! Here's the link for more info:
Hope to see you there! Have a great week, everyone, and thank you for all your support!
10/7/19 - Thank you to everyone who came out to Youngstown Independent Comics Expo (Yo-ICE) on Saturday! It was a great show and it's always fun to meet new fans, catch up with current ones and talk with other creators about all things comics!
I started drawing page 40, inked page 38 and worked on coloring pages 9-15 of Episode 17 this week. My latest mini-comic has been sent out to be published so please stay tuned for more news about that!
This Saturday, please come on out to the St. Cecilia Craft Show in Galloway from 9-3pm. Here's more info: https://www.facebook.com/events/2121541894813798/ There'll be all things Honzy and Joel available: comics, mini-comics, posters, magnets, ornaments, FREE coloring pages and more! Hope to see you there!
10/14/19 - Hello, everyone! A HUGE thank you to everyone who came out to the St. Cecilia Craft Show on Saturday! It was my first time at that show and it was a wonderful time! I met a lot of new fans and caught up with some current ones which is always great, so thanks again to all who stopped by!
I started drawing page 42 (of 43) of Episode 17, began inking page 40 and colored parts of pages 15 and 16 tonight. Also, my newest mini-comic, a standalone tale called "Masked Mountain Vs. ???" is finally in print. If you're interested in a copy, please contact me via FB messenger. I plan to eventually put it on IndyPlanet, but please let me know if you'd like a copy sooner. :)
This Saturday, my third show of the month: The Great Geekfest 2019 at the Delaware Library in Delaware, Ohio from 10am-5pm! Admission is FREE! Here's more info: https://www.facebook.com/events/516469672479733/
Hope to see you there! Thank you, everyone, for your continued support!
10/21/19 - Hello! Thank you to everyone who came out to the Great Geekfest 2019 and thank you to the Delaware Library for hosting it! It was a fun show and meeting new fans as well as current ones is always a pleasure!
Next Saturday (Oct. 26th) I'll be in Delaware again at Flying Monkey Comics and Games for Halloween Comicfest! Here's the info: https://www.facebook.com/events/2484233078326344/ I hope to see you there!
This has been quite a busy week for me in creating comics, too. I finished drawing Episode 17, colored pages 11-17 and finally finished writing the rough draft of Episode 18's script. It's gonna be an intense one! :)
Have a great week, everybody! Thank you so much for your support!
10/28/19 - Thank you to everyone who braved the rain to come by the Halloween Con Fest on Saturday and a very special thank you to Flying Monkey Comics and Games for putting on the show and hosting us as well! It's always fun to meet new fans and
catch up with current ones!
My next show will be Nov. 9th so stay tuned for more news about it!
This week I colored pages 18-21 and started inking page 40 of Episode 17. If all goes well, the book should be finished a few weeks from now. Stay tuned for updates!
Thank you all for your support and have a great week!
11/11/19 - Greetings! Thank you to everyone who came out to the Winterset Holiday Bazaar and a special thank you to Winterset Elementary School for hosting it! On November 23rd, I will have my last show of the year at the Christmas on the Farm Show at the Olde Hayfield Barn in Grove City! Details to come soon.
I've finished inking Episode 17, colored pages 22-25 tonight and finished typing up the rough draft for Episode 18. As Season 2 draws closer to its conclusion, the stakes are only going to get higher. :)
Have a great week, everyone! Thank you all for your support!
12/1/19 - I know this is a week late but thank you to everyone who attended Christmas on the Farm on November 23rd! The weather outside was indeed frightful but the people who came by were delightful. :)
Anywayyyy.... I've colored the first 30 pages of Episode 17 as of tonight and will try to work extra hard on the rest of them in the weeks to come. As of now I don't have any shows planned for the remainder of 2019. Next year is a different story, so please stay tuned for news on upcoming events.
Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and thank you for your support!
1/6/2020 - Hello and Happy 2020 everyone! My sincerest apologies for the long absence. Unfortunately, I caught a couple bugs during the holiday season which put me out of commission for a few weeks. I'm back now and trying to catch up as best as I can.
I finished coloring page 33 of Episode 17 tonight and have started coloring the cover for Episode 18. Late last month I drew, inked and started coloring my next 4-page mini-comic that will hopefully debut in the next few weeks. I'll post more about it soon. :)
I hope you are all having a great new year so far! Thank you all again for your support and patience!
1/20/20 - I colored pages 40-42 of Episode 17 tonight, leaving only the last page to go. I'm still working on coloring the cover for Episode 18 but in the meantime I've begun drawing the first page of that book. I'm really happy with how it looks so far! :)
I'm still working on finishing up my next mini-comic: "The Button", which will be making its debut in this year's Oh! Comics compilation. More info on that as the time draws near.
Thank you, everyone, for your support! Have a great week!
2/10/20 - Hello! I finished Episode 17 a couple weeks ago and it's been submitted to IndyPlanet. It hasn't been posted there yet but I will post a link as soon as it does. As always,you're welcome to contact me if you'd like to buy any book directly. :)
In other news, I've started drawing page 5 of Episode 18, inked part of page 3 and started coloring page 1. I've also finished coloring my latest mini-comic "The Button". It will be featured in this year's Oh! Comics compilation so please stay tuned for more info on that.
Thank you, everyone, for your continued support! It means SO much!!
2/17/20 - I drew page 6 of Episode 18 this past week and tonight I colored page 1. Just a few pages in and it's already featured one of my favorite fight scenes I've ever drawn. Don't worry, there'll be plenty more action to come! :)
Still waiting on Episode 17 to go live on IndyPlanet but I will post the link as soon as it does. Have a great week, everyone!
3/2/20 - Episode 18 update: I drew most of page 8 this past week, inked page 5 and tonight I worked quite a bit on pages 2-5. I'm still awaiting word on one of my upcoming shows and I'll post info here very soon about one that'll be later this month.
IndyPlanet has told me they are working on getting Episode 17 uploaded as soon as possible. I apologize for the delay. :( If you'd like to order a copy from me directly, please feel free to private message me.
Thank you all for your support!
3/23/20 - Hello, everyone! Episode 18 update: I started drawing page 13 this past week, inked the rest of page 6 this afternoon and finished coloring pages 2 and 3 tonight. I've also received news from my local printer that my latest mini-comic "The Button" is slated to be done soon.
All of my upcoming shows have been postponed/cancelled for now, but as soon as anything is confirmed to be back on I'll post an update here.
I hope you are all doing well and staying safe and healthy out there. We're all in this together and we'll get through it together! Thank you all for your support! :)
3/30/20 - Hello, everyone! Episode 18 update: I've started drawing page 14, started inking page 8 and tonight I colored page 4 as well as much of page 5. I've also added the covers for Eps. 17 and 18 to the "Episode Covers" folder to my Facebook page. Please check 'em out and let me know what you think!
Thank you all for your support! Hope you're all doing well!
4/6/20 - Episode 17 is finally on IndyPlanet in book and digital format! Please go over to the STORE page for details on how to purchase it (or send me an email if you'd like to buy it from me directly) :) Thank you everyone for your support!
4/14/20 - Hello, everyone! Here's the latest on Episode 18: I started drawing page 17, started inking page 11 and colored most of page 7. I'm very pleased with how the book is turning out so far and I hope you all will be, too!
Stay safe, stay well and thank you all for your continued support!
4/27/20 - Ep 18 update: I've drawn most of pg 19, started inking pg 13 and tonight I finished coloring pg 8. There might be a couple of upcoming online-only shows, but I can't say with 100% certainty just yet. I'll update you all soon! Hope you are all well and thank you for your support!
5/18/20 - Hey, everyone! My apologies for the long absence. Life, my birthday, etc. got in the way but I'm here to update you on all things Honzy and Joel! :)
I've started drawing page 24 of Episode 18, inked page 14 and tonight I colored page 9 as well as much of 10.
July 11th and 12th I will have a virtual table at SPACE 2020, which you can attend from the comfort of your own home! More details on that soon.
Hope you are all well and thank you for your continued support!
Also, please check out the awesome birthday card I received this year from a friend. More info over on the Fan's Corner page!
6/8/20 - Hello, everyone! I've started drawing page 28 of Episode 18, started inking page 19 and tonight I colored page 12. Hope you are all doing well! Thank you all for your support!
6/29/20 - Episode 18 update: i started drawing page 31, finished inking page 23 and tonight I was working on cleaning up/adding text to pages 15-18. Looking back on what I've done so far, I feel like this is one of my more intense stories. I'd love to hear what you all think of it when it's finished.So, I've got an ONLINE ONLY show coming July 11th and 12th at SPACE 2020. Here's a link for more information: http://www.backporchcomics.com/space.htm Obviously, weather, parking and admission costs won't be a problem! Hope you can check it out!
8/3/2020 - Hello, everyone! Work on Episode 18 continues! I started drawing page 35 (of 40), inked most of page 26 and tonight I finished coloring pages 17 and 18. Hope you're all doing well! Thank you very much for your support!
8/31/20 - Hello, everyone! Just a quick update on all things Honzy and Joel:
I've started drawing page 39 of Episode 18, inked most of page 29 and tonight I colored page 21. I'm also getting ready to start writing the script for Episode 19. The end of Season 2 is fast approaching and I will do my best to make it worth the wait!
Thank you all for your support! Hope you are all doing well!
9/7/20 - Good news! I've finished drawing Episode 18, so now it's on to just inking and coloring. I've started inking page 32 and tonight I colored page 22. I'm so excited about how this book is coming together! Thank you all for your support and please stay tuned for further updates!
9/28/20 - Hello, everyone! Hope you're all doing well! Just a quick update: I've started inking page 37 of Episode 18, colored page 25 tonight and have begun writing the script for Episode 19.
I've also drawn and inked the first page of my next standalone mini-comic: an as-of-yet untitled spaghetti western spoof. I'm very proud of this one and I hope you will all enjoy it as much as I am making it! Stay tuned for further updates!
Thank you all for your continuing support!
10/19/20 - Hello! It's been a busy month for me but I want to catch you up on all things Honzy and Joel real quick. I've finished inking Episode 18, colored pages 26-28 tonight and I've also finished drawing my still-untitled cowboy spoof. I've also written nearly 6 pages of Episode 19's rough draft.
Hope you're all doing well. Please stay tuned for more updates and thank you so much for your support!
11/8/20 - Greetings, everyone! It's been a busy couple of weeks for me as we moved to a new house but I am back up and running again! I've finished drawing and inking my cowboy spoof (coming soon!) and tonight I colored much of pages 33-35 of Episode 18. I am hoping to have the book finished by the end of the year. *crosses fingers*
Thank you all for your support! I'll try to keep you updated more often!
11/23/20 - Hello, all! I've finished coloring pages 30-33 of Episode 18, finished the rough draft of Episode 19 (it's going to be VERY exciting!), and started a bit of coloring work on my cowboy mini-comic. I've also drawn and inked the cover for Episode 19. I hope you're all doing well and are able to have a wonderful Thanksgiving time! Thank you all for your support of Honzy and Joel!
11/30/20 - Hello, everyone! I'm excited to announce that I have finished coloring all 40 pages of Episode 18! I've just got a little more work to do on the book and it'll be off to the printers! I'll keep you updated about when I send it out as well as when it goes on sale. I'm hoping to have my cowboy mini-comic finished by the end of the year as well. Thank you, everyone, for your continued support!
12/7/20 - Episode 18 is finished and off to the publisher! I'll update you when it goes on sale as well as post links on the STORE page. I've also given my cowboy comic a title AND a cover (see my Facebook page). The comic is called "The Ballad of 'Trail' Micks". Stay tuned for updates on its progress as well! :)
12/14/20 - Greetings! Just a quick update: I'm expecting my initial copies of Episode 18 to arrive this week and the book will go on sale asap. I'll post on here when it does.
I've colored the first 3 pages of "The Ballad of Trail Micks" as well as written the script for another as-of-yet untitled mini-comic that will be coming out early next year.
Stay tuned for more details! Thank you all for your support!
1/4/21 - Hello, everyone and happy New Year! I hope this current revolution around the sun is going well for you so far!
Sooo.... I did send "The Ballad of Trail Micks" off to be printed but due to circumstances beyond the control of my publisher it will be a while before it's available for purchase. I'm also waiting on IndyPlanet to put Adventures of Honzy and Joel #18 on their site, as well. As always, I will put out an update on both books asap.
Tonight I colored page 1 and part of page 2 of my next mini-comic titled "The Box". This is my version of the story of Pandora's box, and it's been a lot of fun working on this one. I'm planning to have it finished very soon. :)
All right, good-night everyone and thank you for your continued support!
2/8/21- It's been a long time since I updated so bear with me while I add all this news. Episode 18 is on IndyPlanet now, so please go over to the STORE tab for further details on what it's about, some sneak peeks and how to purchase it. "The Box" is finished and I just need to add a couple things before sending it out to be published. And work on Episode 19 has begun: I've started drawing page 10 and the first five pages are inked. *whew*
2/22/21 - Hello, everyone! Here's a quick update on Episode 19: I've started drawing page 15, inked most of page 10 and this weekend I colored much of pages 1-5.
I've also begun planning my next 4-page mini-comic, which this time will be a silent one. I never tried to do one before but this will be a fun challenge to myself and hopefully will turn out to be a fun read, too! Stay tuned for details!
Thank you, everyone, for your continued support!
3/15/21 - Hey, everyone! Here's the latest on "Adventures of Honzy and Joel": I've started drawing page 21 of Ep 19, started inking page 16 and tonight I colored pages 6-9 and most of page 10. *whew* Time for bed, I think. Hope you're all doing well! Thank you for your support!
3/29/21 - Hello, everyone! I've started drawing page 26 of Episode 19, inked page 18 and earlier tonight (Sunday) I finished coloring pages 10 and 11. I feel like this book is getting better and better and I can't wait for you to read it! :) Thank you all very much for your support!
4/12/21 - Hello! I've started drawing page 28 of Episode 19, inked page 21 and tonight I finished coloring pages 12 and 13. I've started writing the first draft of Episode 20's script as well.
Thank you all for your continued support! :)
4/19/21 - I started drawing page 30 of Episode 19 this week, began inking page 24 and tonight I colored pages 14 and 15. Thank you all for your continued support! :)
4/26/21 - I started drawing page 32 (of 35) of Episode 19 this week, began inking page 25 and finished coloring page 16. Have I mentioned that I'm loving how this book is turning out so far? :) Thank you all for your support!
5/18/21 - I've been working on writing the rough draft for Episode 20's script here and there for the past couple of weeks, plus I've taken a short break to participate in the Mer-May 2021 (#MERMAY2021) artist challenge. All pictures will be posted over in the Gallery as well as my FB and Twitter. I'll post an update on Episode 19 in the near future.
5/26/21 - I just posted the last couple of pictures for the Mer-May 2021 artist challenge, making a total of 8. You can check them out over at the GALLERY page. I had a lot of fun working on them and hopefully you'll enjoy them! Back to work full-time on Episode 19!
5/31/21 - Hello, everyone! I posted my album for the Mer-May2021 artist challenge earlier, so please check it out on my Facebook page and let me know what you think! I've finished inking Episode 19 and I've colored pages 17-19. I'll be working on finishing Episode 19 and writing the script for Episode 20 now so stay tuned for updates on both. Thank you all for your support!
6/7/21 - Hello! I've finished coloring page 23 of Episode 19 and I wrote a couple pages of Episode 20's script this past week. I'm very excited about how the two-part Season 2 finale is coming along! Thank you all for your support!
6/21/21 - Greetings! I colored pages 24-28 this past week and I've finished writing the rough draft for Episode 20's script. It's gonna be a big one! Thank you all for your continued support of all things Honzy and Joel!
One more announcement: Episodes 1-6 are currently available on Amazon Kindle and I plan to add the rest of the books asap, as well as all my mini-comics as well. Stay tuned for further updates!
7/5/21 - Hello, everyone! I hope you had a safe and wonderful 4th of July! I've got some exciting news to share: First off, I'll be at Flying Monkey Comics and Games in Delaware, Ohio on August 14th for Free Comic Book Day. It'll be my first in-person show since late 2019. Further details coming as it gets closer. :) Second, I've finished typing the rough draft of Episode 20 AND I've already drawn and inked the cover. I think it's probably my favorite one so far! Finally, my mini-comics "Moonstruck" and "Masked Mountain Vs. ???" have been added to Amazon Kindle. I'll keep you updated as more mini-comics (and the regular Honzy and Joel series) are added. Thank you all SO much for your support! It means more than I can say!
7/26/21 - Great news! I sent "Adventures of Honzy and Joel" #19 off to the publisher this past week. I'll let you all know as soon as it goes on sale. Thank you all for your continued support!
8/23/21 - Greetings, everyone! Episode 19 has still not gone on sale on IndyPlanet but in the meantime you can pick up a digital copy over at Amazon Kindle or just send me a message to get a physical copy (only $5). I've uploaded all my mini-comics and the first 12 issues of Honzy and Joel to Kindle, so just do a search for my name on Kindle if you'd like a copy of any of them. :) The remaining books will be uploaded as soon as possible.
Things have been hectic the past week but I'm planning to get started on drawing Episode 20 in the next few days. It's going to be quite a story! Thank you all for your continued support!
8/30/21 - Hello, everyone! I began working on Episode 20 this past week, and I'm really pleased with how it's going so far. I've started drawing page 3, inked most of the first two pages and tonight I colored all of page 1.
I'm also happy to announce that all 19 issues of "Adventures of Honzy and Joel" can now be purchased on Amazon Kindle as well as every mini-comic I've made so far. Just do a search for "Honzy and Joel". As future books/mini-comics come along I'll upload them there as well as IndyPlanet.
Thank you everyone for your support! You've helped make this all possible!
9/13/21 - EPISODE 19 is live on Indyplanet.com! Link is provided over in the STORE section.
I've started drawing page 8 of Episode 20, inked page 5 and colored quite a bit of the first four pages. This is the second half of the Season 2 finale and it's gonna be a big one! Stay tuned for further updates and thank you all for your continued support!
9/27/21 - Hey, everyone! I'm sorry that it's been a while but here's a quick update on all things Honzy and Joel:
I've drawn the first 13 pages of Episode 20, inked page 9 and tonight (Sunday) I colored pages 2 and 3. I've got a show coming up in Youngstown, Ohio in October where I plan to debut a new project that I had published a couple weeks ago. Stay tuned for more details about both! Thank you, everyone, for your continued support!
10/31/21 - Hey, everyone! I've been extremely busy these past few weeks but I will try to update more frequently. Episode 20 update: I've started drawing page 25, inked page 19 and tonight I colored pages 7 and 8. At this time I don't have any shows scheduled for the remainder of the year, but if that changes I will post the information asap.
Speaking of shows, October 31st is the 7th anniversary of my very first appearance at a comic convention. It was Wizard Con at the Nationwide Convention Center downtown and it was an amazing time!!
I just want to take a moment to thank everyone who has checked out and supported "Adventures of Honzy and Joel" these past years at the numerous conventions, online, etc. YOU helped make it all possible and I am so VERY grateful! I hope you all have enjoyed the series as much as I have creating it! Thank you, everyone!!
11/28/21 - Hello! Here's a quick update on Episode 20's progress: I've drawn the first half of page 35, started inking page 26 and as of tonight I have colored most of page 12. I've got plans for a couple new mini-comics in the works as well as a follow-up to my ABC book (Apples to Zebras).
1/23/22 - Episode 20 update: I've started drawing page 49, inked page 31 and tonight I colored page 25.
I finished drawing my Oh!Comics 2022 mini-comic and have inked the first 3 pages.
Finally, I am halfway through drawing the last page of my numbers-themed followup to "Apples To Zebras."
It's been a very busy time for me lately as I juggle three projects at once but I think you're gonna enjoy them all when I'm done. Thank you all for your continued support and please stay tuned for further updates!
2/6/22 - Episode 20 update: I've finished drawing page 56, which was the final page of the book. I started inking page 40 this past week and I've colored the first 25 pages. I'm so excited with how the Season 2 finale has turned out so far and I look forward to having the book finished so I can start Episode 21. :) I'm slowly starting the script for that one as I finish up the current book.
I finished inking my Oh! Comics 2022 submission and tonight I colored the 3rd (of 4) pages. I'm very happy with how this book is coming along as well.
I've almost finished drawing with my numbers-themed book and will get back to working on it very soon. If you are interested in finding out more about my ABC book "Apples to Zebras", please send me a message.
Thank you, everyone, for your continued support! I hope you're staying safe and warm out there.
2/14/22 - Episode 20 update: I inked pages 41-48 this past week and colored most of page 27 tonight. I'm also preparing to begin the initial draft of Episode 21's script (aka the start of Season 3).
I finished coloring my Oh! Comics 2022 submission and am designing a cover for its future release as a mini-comic.
I'm planning to resume drawing/inking the last page of my numbers-themed book very soon. I'm just really focused on finishing up Episode 20 asap.
Thank you all for your continued support!
3/13/22 - Hello, everyone! Here's an update on all things Honzy and Joel plus other comics: I have finished drawing and inking Episode 20, and I've colored most of page 41. Not sure if I mentioned this before but this is the longest Honzy and Joel book I've done so far. I am so very happy with how it's turning out and I can't wait to show it to everyone!
I've begun writing the rough draft for Episode 21's script (aka the start of Season 3) and so far I'm about 6 pages in. If all goes well, it will be quite a season premiere! :)
My 2022 Oh! Comics submission is nearly ready to be sent out as a full-color minicomic asap. It's gonna be a fun one!
I've finished drawing/inking my numbers-themed followup to "Apples To Zebras", now titled "So MANY Things To Count". I plan to get it ready for publishing in the next few weeks. :)
Finally, I am happy to announce that i have 2 shows planned for later this year and possibly a third. Stay tuned for more details!
Thank you, everyone, for your continued support!
3/20/22 - Hello! I colored page 50 (of 56) of Episode 20 tonight and am working on getting my next mini-comic "Bleu Moon" (my 2022 Oh!Comics submission) ready to be printed very soon.
I've also finished writing the rough draft of Episode 21's script (editing to come) and have even started planning out plot points for Episode 22. All I'll say for now is that Season 3 is going to be quite a ride for our heroes. :)
I'm still working on coloring my numbers-themed book but for the most part I'm focusing on finishing the other two books.
I'll keep you all updated as I get closer to finishing these projects. As always, thank you all SO much for your support!
4/3/22 - Hello! Just a quick update:
Adventures of Honzy and Joel #20 is finished and has been sent off to the publisher. I'll let you know as soon as it is available for purchase. "Bleu Moon", my latest mini-comic, is now available for purchase at just $1. If you'd like a copy, please let me know or you can get it through Amazon Kindle soon. :) I've got the cover for Episode 21 drawn and inked as well as the cover for the upcoming Volume 4 of Honzy and Joel (which will feature Episodes 16-20). Well, that's all for now. Thank you all SO much for your continued support!
4/24/22 - Hello, everyone! Episode 20 is now for sale on Kindle and will be available on IndyPlanet soon! I have a few physical copies if you'd like to order from me directly. Just send me a message if you're interested.
I've made a LOT of progress on Episode 21 since I last updated. I've started drawing page 11 and inked the first 8 pages. It's going to be quite an opener for Season 3!
My numbers-themed book "So Many Things To Count" is finally finished and I'll be getting it printed very soon. Please stay tuned for details about that.
Finally, on May 8th I will be at Flying Monkey Comics and Games in Delaware for the 2022 Free Comic Book Day! Episode 20 and "Bleu Moon" will be making a debut and of course all other episodes will be on sale as well. More details soon! Thank you all for your support!
P.S. If you'd like a sneak peek at Episode 21, I added a teaser to the Episode Covers album on Facebook. :)
5/1/22 - Here's more information on this Saturday's Free Comic Book Day event at Flying Monkey Comics and Games in Delaware: https://www.facebook.com/events/370718311737550 Hope to see you there!
5/31/22 - Episode 21 update: I've started drawing page 26, inked the first 15 pages and I've finished coloring the first 6 pages. Season 3 is off to a great start!
I've also finished creating Volume 4 (Episodes 16-20) and sent it off to the publisher. I'll let you all know as soon as it is available!
Thank you all SO much for your continued support of all things "Honzy and Joel"! You helped make this all possible! :)
6/20/22 - Hello! Here's a quick update on Episode 21: I've started drawing page 34, started inking page 29 and tonight I started coloring page 24. Still waiting on Volume 4 to come back from the publisher but I'll let you all know when it does. Meanwhile, please come on out this Sunday (June 26th) to Piqua Comic-Con! Here's more info:
Piqua Comic-Con
June 26th 10-4pm
Miami Valley Centre Mall in Piqua, Ohio
Hope to see you there!
8/15/22 - Hello, everyone! It's been a long time since I last updated (due to summer traveling) but here's the latest on Episode 21: I've started drawing page 48, inked page 41 and colored page 36. I'll be starting to write Episode 22 very soon. Stay tuned for more info as the premiere of Season 3 of "Adventures of Honzy and Joel" will be out soon! Thank you all for your continued support!
8/22/22 - Hello! I've finished drawing Episode 21 (page 52), started inking page 45 and tonight I started coloring page 39. I'm planning out the story for Episode 22 and will be starting to write the rough draft asap. Thank you all for your continued support!
9/19/22 - Greetings, everyone! Here's a quick update on all things Honzy and Joel: I've finished drawing and inking Episode 21 (yay!). Tonight I finished coloring page 46 (out of 52) and I've written the final draft of Episode 22's script. All I will say is that things are going to get stranger than normal as the season progresses. Thank you to everyone for your continued support!
9/26/22 - Greetings, all! I've got an update and an announcement to make, so here we go:
I've finished coloring page 51 of Episode 21, drew and inked the cover for Episode 22, and this past week I drew all 12 pages of my next children's book. No title just yet but it'll be about colors. Stay tuned for further updates on that project.
I will be at the Delaware Country District Library (84 E Winter St Delaware, OH) on Saturday, Oct 22nd for Great Geekfest from 10-5pm! Hope to see you there!
Thank you, everyone, for your continued support!!
10/3/22 - Hello! Tonight I colored the last page of Episode 21 and the cover for Episode 22. I intend to send the book out to be published by the end of the week. :) I've finished inking my next children's book (now titled Red, Yellow and Beyond), drew and inked the cover and started coloring it. I'm hoping to send it out to the publisher in the near future as well.
Just a reminder: I will be at the Delaware Country District Library (84 E Winter St Delaware, OH) on Saturday, Oct 22nd for Great Geekfest from 10-5pm! Hope to see you there!
10/17/22 - A few announcements:
Episode 21 is finished and already back from the printer. It looks great! If you'd like a digital copy, please check it out on Amazon Kindle at: https://www.amazon.com/.../ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i1 I'm still planning to add it to IndyPlanet for anyone who'd be interested in buying it there. As for a physical copy, just send me a message or, better yet, come to see me this upcoming weekend at Great Geekfest at the Delaware Library (84 E Winter St Delaware, OH) from 10-5pm!Hope to see you there!
Episodes 1-20 are also available over on Kindle, too!
My latest children's book has been sent out to be printed and should be available soon. I'll let you know when it's available.
Lastly, I have a new Honzy and Joel mini-comic slated to debut sometime early next year. I'm still working on the early stages of the script but stay tuned for more details.
Thank you, everyone, for your continued support of all things Honzy and Joel! I appreciate it more than I can say!
10/31/22 - Thank you to everyone who came out Great Geekfest 2022 last Saturday! It was a great time! I don't have any shows planned before next year but as always you can message me if you'd like copies of any of my work. Speaking of, I've submitted Episodes 20 and 21 to IndyPlanet and have also posted both books on Kindle. Just waiting to hear back from IndyPlanet about when the books go on sale.
I've drawn the first 7 pages of Episode 22 and inked the first 3 in the past couple weeks. I'm really happy with how the book is turning out so far. It's going to be a strange one, that's for sure. But then, dealing with strange things is Honzy and Joel's specialty, right? ;)
Have a safe and fun Halloween, everyone! Thank you all for your support!
11/21/22 - Greetings, everyone! Just a quick update on Episode 22: I've started drawing page 14, inked page 10 and tonight I colored page 1 as well as most of page 2. Episode 21 still hasn't been posted to IndyPlanet yet but once it does I will share the link. :(
Have a great Thanksgiving! Thank you all for your support!
12/12/22 - Greetings! Here's a quick update on Episode 22: I've started drawing page 18, finished inking page 10 (I miscounted in my last post) and as of tonight I've colored the first 9 pages. This book is coming along nicely and I've decided to share one of my favorite panels from the book so far over on Facebook. While I won't spoil the context, I just love how everyone looks in that picture. :)
Thank you to everyone for your continued support!
3/21/23 - Hello, everyone! I apologize for the extremely long absence. I'm still working on Honzy and Joel's stories, I promise. :) Late last year I took up a seasonal position which slowed me down a lot and then I kept forgetting to update once the job ended. So... I've finished drawing and inking Episode 22. Just now I finished coloring page 28 (of 40).
I'm participating once again in the Oh!Comics compilation this year, which will feature a brand-new Honzy and Joel short story entitled "Trouble Brewing." The color version of the mini-comic will be available sometime soon. I've been wanting to do another short story about them for so long and now it's here. Stay tuned for more details!
I'll be attending shows in the very near future, so check back for news about them as well. Finally, I have a surprise scheduled for early next week. I'd rather not say more yet until I know it's all going to pan out as planned. But I will talk about it asap.
Again, my sincere apologies for the delay. I'll try my best to do better from here on. Thank you all for your support!
10/23/23 - I'm so sorry for my long absence on here. Life got in the way again. :( While I've been gone, I finished Episode 22 AND 23, plus the Trouble Brewing minicomic. I've updated the Store with links to the books. I'm adding them to Kindle as well so stay tuned for the added links there. I've started drawing page 14 of Episode 24, inked the first six pages and I've already added a preview of the cover over on the Store. I'll be adding some new character bios/pics to the CHARACTERS page soon so stay tuned for that as well. Thank you so much, everyone, for your continued support! I've got some potential new shows for 2024 and I'll post info about those in the near future.
5/14/24 - Just wanted to drop in with a loooong overdue update. I just added 5 new faces to the GOOD GUYS page, so feel free to go over and check it out. I've finished Episode 24 and just sent it out to be published last night. I'm about 11 pages in on drawing Episode 25. In between books I created a teaser story for a non-related graphic novel I've had in mind for some time now. It's titled "THE SKAYPE WARS #0". I'm trying to decide where to post about it on here. More information about it on my Facebook page. Thank you all for your continued support!