During the course of their adventures, the Kragon Detective Agency encounters a variety of bad guys. Below is a list of their greatest enemies to date.
During the course of their adventures, the Kragon Detective Agency encounters a variety of bad guys. Below is a list of their greatest enemies to date.
Unknown gang - Until recently, this gang has operated undetected on the outskirts of Alien Town. Their origins and actual identities remain a mystery, but they are quickly becoming the most feared criminals in the city. Their members are:
In addition to the gang mentioned above, there are other individual criminals that our heroes find themselves battling. Here is a list of the greatest threats so far:
NAME: VanDroth (and assistant)
RACE: Human OCCUPATION: Weapons dealer FIRST APPEARANCE: Adventures of Honzy and Joel #7 |
Not much is known yet about VANDROTH, the head of VanDroth Industries, a manufacturer of illegal, prototype weapons. These creations range from electrically charged swords to military-grade machine guns. VanDroth has been supplying these deadly tools to the criminals of Alien Town for some time now. He seeks to take advantage of the chaos caused by them to retrieve an ancient artifact currently located in Alien Town. His exact reasons for wanting it are unclear at this time.